Friend and Wife's sex tape
This was about 20 years ago. My friend and his wife used to make sex tapes regularly. The reason I know this is because he delighted in telling me all about it in front of his wife and then would say: “if you don’t believe me, the tape is right up there!”. He would point to the top of his entertainment center just to hear his wife giggle and scream “Don’t show him!” Our kids were close to the same age and one day it was arranged my kids would visit their kids. I began formulating a plan.
I had a fishing vest that I would often wear even when not fishing. I found the pockets helpful. It had one large pocket on the back on the outside. It was called a “map pocket.”. I wore that vest that morning.
I dropped my kids off and my friend’s wife and kids were outside. I asked if I could use the bathroom and she said “sure.” I walked in, reached up as I passed the entertainment center and grabbed the tape. I went into the bathroom, put the tape in my map pocket and waited a couple minutes. Then I walked out, said my goodbyes and hopped in my car.
I drove home, called work and said I was sick. I popped that tape into the VCR and enjoyed watching what my friend had delighted in teasing me about. I picked the kids up that afternoon and was able to slip the tape back into its spot.
- Guest contributed 2 years ago
- last edited 2 years ago
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