Airbnb in Phoenix
we stayed at an Airbnb in Phoenix once that had a full wall window in both shower rooms which were each on opposite sides of the house. These windows were glass blocks like mentioned above but the blurry ones. However the very centers of the blocks were pretty clear. The yard had a large pool and the yard connected to the side yards. We were there for a week and when my wife showered at night I went outside and while it was blurry you could make out her figure, full breasts and when she got close enough her bush was visible. If I put my face within a few feet I could see her about 90% clear. Our friends joined us for the last two nights and there was one night my wife and I both showered together. I exited and dried off and got dressed. And about five minutes later our friend came in from outside after a cigarette. No idea if he had the nerve to head over there and peek but I sort of got the vibe he had as he sort of stuttered when I greeted him. I wonder how close he got.
- voysrus_6jfaw7 contributed 1 year ago
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