Curtain gap
I was about 14 when I went to live with my dad and his new wife. Her mother also lived with us, she was probably in her 70’s. Her bedroom was an add on to the back of the house and her door used to be the back door and still had a window in it which she covered with a curtain which was a little to narrow for the window leaving about a 2 inch gap on one side. One night as I was passing her room I glanced through the gap and saw her getting ready for bed. When she pulled off her top and bra the sight was burned into my mind and I’ll never forget it. Her tits looked like a tennis ball at the bottom of a stocking, they hung down to her navel. That was 50+ years ago and I still see it like it was yesterday, not something a young kid should see.
- Guest contributed 2 years ago
- last edited 2 years ago
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